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Singer 37-2, 37-4, etc.

Excerpts from parts book for Singer 37-2, 37-3, 37-4, 37-5, 37-6, 37-7, 37-8, 37-9, 37-10

MACHINE No. 37-2

For staying or cording. Two needles, drop feed.

Machine no. 37-3 for hat sweats, two needles, diagonal stitch. Has attachment for folding and sewing bias strips with inserted reed upon the edges of sweats in one operation. Upper feed.

MACHINE No. 37-4

For cording and plain stitching. Four needles. Knee lifter. Drop feed.

MACHINE No. 37-5 For imitation cording in leather. Two needles. Has ridge on feed acting in groove in roller presser. Needle guard. Knee lifter, Drop feed.

MACHINE No. 37-6 For imitation cording. Four needles. Knee lifter. Drop feed.

MACHINE No. 37-7 Four needles, one shuttle, knee lifter. For vamping.

MACHINE No. 37-8 For ornamenting glove backs. Two needles. Drop feed.

MACHINE No. 37-9 Two needles, one shuttle, drop feed, presser foot and throat plate for cording, and presser foot and throat plate for imitation cording or air tucking on light fabrics.

MACHINE No. 37-10 For hat sweats. Differs from no. 37-3 only in making the diagonal stitch reversed.

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Industrial Sewing Machine

Telephone: 503-759-4373


This page last updated May 07, 1999

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E-mail: mrofini@industrialsewmachine.com

Molalla, OR 97038 USA