Quick Mobile Service
Repair at Your Location.
Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area
all of Oregon and Washington.
Links to machine information:
All Industrial Sewing Machine Brands and
Model Numbers
Industrial Sewing Machine Basic Information,
Articles, FAQ's, and Detailed Information
Uses and Applications of Industrial Sewing
Industrial Sewing Machine Motors, Tables,
Accessories, et cetera

Services Performed:
On Location Work; I drive to you.
Repair Industrial Sewing Machines. Every Type of Repair.
Strip Some Machines to Casting and Rebuild Machine.
Buy your machine anywhere; I will setup.
Setup Used and New Machines.
Install Motors, Pulleys, and Accessories.
Inspect and Assess Local Machines before you buy.
Configure Machine for a specific application.
Modify a Machine or Parts to Serve Your Application Best.
Restore a disassembled Machine.
Train to use a Machine properly.
Train to service your own Machine.
Consult on Machine Selection.
Consult on Production Layout.
Assess "unrepairable" or "lemon" machines.
Provide Samples of Work Sewn on Specific Machines.
Locate Contractors who will sew your product.
I buy industrial machines. Let me know what you have.