Embroidery and Decorative Stitch
Industrial Sewing Machines
Cornely type machines:
A variety of Cornely type machines by Cornely, Singer,
Consew and other Cornelly clones have been made . See:
Chainstitch Embroidery Machines

Singer "Cornely type"
Hemstitch machines:
Singer hemstitch machines are often available.
Approximately 30 different models were made.

Singer Irish:
Singer Irish type machines have been offered by Juki,
Singer, and Consew and others. The outstanding original Singer
Irish machines have not been manufactured for awhile; we usually have used ones available.

Juki LZ-271

Singer Irish
Singer Irish feed capable machines:
Singer Irish feed capable type machines have been
offered by Juki, Singer, and Consew and others. The outstanding original Singer Irish feed capable machines have not been
manufactured for awhile; we sometimes have used ones available.

Singer 20U143

Singer 20U53

Juki LZ-391N
Manual Monogramming machines are less common. We can
sometimes supply the no longer made, but excellent 133W machines.
Air Tuck machines:
We can supply used double needle Air Tuck machines, and
can convert new Juki, Pfaff, Singer, Consew, and Brother models for Air Tuck operations.
Multi-Needle Zig-Zag:
We can supply used 2, 3, or 4 needle zig-zag machines,
and can convert new Juki, Pfaff, Singer, Consew, and Brother models for 2, 3, and 4 needle
work, all with or without cording attachments. We can also supply muti-step, multi-needle
zig-zag machines.
Phagotting Machines:
New or used often available.
Picot Machines:
New and used lockstitch often available. Kansai Special
chainstitch sometimes available.
Cam-Operated Zig-Zag:
Singer, Pfaff, Juki, and Consew etc. have offered
these. Used Singer machines sometimes available. Custom made flat face cams for your
cam-operated machine in any custom pattern you require.

Consew 722
Programmable Area Sewing Machines:
Here are well known models from Juki.

Juki LK-1900



Scallop machines:
We sometimes have used Barratto Scallop machines, which
can be fairly affordable, and also the very excellent 115W machines. Also custom scallop
patterns for the 115W. Note that true scallop machines are not related to zig-zag machines
with a scallop pattern stitch. Scallop machines insert a cord back and forth to fill in an
area of scallop defined by two separated lines of stitching, performing a remarkable
Multi-needle top-stitch machines:
1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 needle lockstitch machines with one
hook; 1, 2, 3, or 4 hook machines with corresponding number of hooks; and chainstitch
machines with from 1 to 64 neeedles have been made.
Multi-needle Shirring machines:
Shirring machines with 1, 2, 3, or 4 needle lockstitch
machines with one hook; 1, 2, 3, or 4 hook machines with corresponding number of hooks;
and chainstitch machines with from 1 to 65 neeedles have been made.
Smocking machines:
4 through 33 needle smocking machines have been made,
periodical availability of used machines.